Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Laundry Detergent and Diligence

*** I have been using this soap for months now and absolutely love it! ***

First off, I am so excited to write today's post! In an effort to save some mulah ($$$$), I made my own laundry detergent this morning :) Check it out...

I got all these ingredients from Wal-Mart for a total of $19.97! Here's what you will need:

1 - 4# box of Borax
1 - 4# box of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda
1 - 4# box of Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
3 bars of Fels-Naptha
2 small containers of Oxi-Clean

Grate the 3 bars of Fels-Naptha like so...

Looks like cheese :)

Then add the remaining ingredients in a 5 gallon bucket. That's it. Use about 1 to 2 tablespoons per use. This is safe for HE washers. Just be sure to put the powder inside the washer drum instead of the pull-out compartment. I've read that if you do 8 loads of laundry a week, it should last you 1 year!
Now, I can only imagine a few of you totally knocking this idea and convinced i've gone over the edge. But, hey - until I find a job, I've gotta do what i've gotta do to make it work! Just wait until I make dishwasher detergent next month :) tehehe
I would be a terrible blogger if I didn't give the original post for this idea. You can find it HERE

Ryan and I have been seeking the Lord about our current state of me being at home and making it work financially. We have started reading through Proverbs together, seeking wisdom on our financial decisions and what His plan is for us right now. God has been reminding me of the importance of diligence! Ryan received The Richest Man Who Ever Lived as a gift and what a phenomenal gift it was. I am reading it for the second time. It is loaded with spiritual insight and tools that you can use in regards to your finances, time, you name it. Author Steven K. Scott describes diligence as, "a learnable skill that combines: creative persistence, a smart-working effort rightly planned and rightly performed in a timely, efficient, and effective manner to attain a result that is pure and of the highest quality of excellence."

How can you bring diligence into your life?

1 - WAKE UP AND STOP PROCRASTINATING. Take responsiblity for your life, your attitude and your values, and how you spend your time
2 - Define your visions
3 - Effectively partner. Gain counsel before you make a decision.
4 - Pursue wisdom. Seek after it as you would buried treasure.

What are the rewards of being diligent?

1 - You will gain a sure advantage
2 - You will be in control of the situation, rather than have the situation control you
3 - You will experience true fullfillment
4 - You will attain the respect and admiration of those in authority
5 - Your needs will be satisfied
6 - You will experience ever increasing success
7 - Your efforts will be profitable

Go and be diligent today! And make some laundry soap while you're at it....


  1. Hey, this is Paul & Evie's daughter, Alicia!! I found the same "recipe" on pinterest and forgot about it. When I was looking for a "recipe" to use with HE washers, my mom referred me to your blog! So, I made my first batch today! I'm anxious to try it out!! Just had a question for you though....do you typically use 1 or 2 Tbsp. on a normal sized load? Also, I don't know if you have the store Big Lots near you, but I found the Oxi-Clean there for only $5 and it was a 3.5 # tub! It was $7 something at our Walmart! Have a great day!! Alicia

    1. Oops - I didn't hit reply when I commented below. Just making sure you got this :)

  2. Hi Alicia! Great to hear from you!

    I really like my soap. I've been using it now for a few months and haven't had any issues with it. Others who have made it, have had some minor problems with the soap (I call it cheese:)) not completely melting. But with my front load (HE) washer, on cold/cold settings, it works just fine.
    I use a blue scoop, that came with my oxi-clean. I think it is more like 2 Tbsp. And yes, we do have big lots. I will have to check them out. I love that oxi-clean!
    Thanks for reading :)

  3. Hey - I forgot to check back in until now to see if you responded! :-) Life is kinda crazy! Ok, thanks. Mine came with that scoop too, so I know which one you mean. Thanks again!!!

    Oh, and about your sales blog, if you haven't purchased bread from Big Lots, check it out....ours usually has Natures Own loaves for $1.20 ! I need to make my own, but have not mastered that art!
