Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Good Read

I like to read. But it makes me sleepy. It's a true dilemma.

I enjoy novels, but my heart is in "self help" books. The majority of books in my small library are written to help folks like me raise children (who nap), pray for their husbands, become fearless, be a better friend, walk closer to God, live with purpose and save money like the Amish.

The three newest additions to my library are:

Friendship for Grownups by Lisa Welchel 

The Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews 

Have a New You by Friday by Kevin Lehman 

I started Have a New You last week. So far, I am only on Monday. (Again - sleepy). So far, it's good! I'll let you know about the other two!

I do enjoy novels. Some of my favorites are Follow the River, Redeeming Love, The Shack, The Testament and The Client.

But Lord knows - I need all the help I can get!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I found your blog through facebook and I really enjoy reading it, you inspire me to try new recipes, etc!:)Anyway, I love to read too but never get time anymore and as soon as I get in bed to read at night, like you, I fall asleep! haha. but I do want to recommend one book that I think everyone should read, (and maybe you already have) it is The Help. Also, the movie is awesone too! Anyway, just wanted to let you know I like reading your blog. :) Dorothy Rowan
