Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Christmas Quilt (that won't be done by Christmas unless I boogie)

Craftiness is not Optional is such an inspiring blog! A few months ago, I found this beautiful quilt there that I just had to duplicate for myself.

Photo from Craftiness is not Optional

Isn't it just fabulous?!!
Well - here is what I have so far

I cut 8 inch white squares and used a pyrex lid (about 5 inches) to cut the circles - all by hand might I add. To avoid pinning all these circles on the white, I used fabric adhesive spray that worked like a charm. Except now my dining room floor (craft room) is all sticky. I set my Singer to a blanket stitch and went at it! This project is on hold now, because I ran out of red thread.... such a bummer. Actually, probably a good thing because I am making some American Girl doll clothes for a friend of mine. So, I need to finish those up next week.

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